Floor Polish
Clean and clear floors of dust and dirt
We will empty the room, removing as much furniture as possible, then clean the floor thoroughly to remove dust and dirt. Sweep or vacuum, then mop with a commercial floor cleaner and a gallon of warm water to lift any lingering grime. Give the floors a final pass with a clean, water-dampened mop to remove any cleaner residue. We will dry the floor completely with a soft, clean towel.
Polish floor to a shine
We will pour a small S-shaped amount of floor polish onto the floor. We will use a flat-surface mop, work the solution back and forth in the direction of the grains, smoothing out any air bubbles. We will work in small areas (about three to five feet wide in either direction) to best control the amount of polish. We will make sure to completely coat the floor.
Hold off restoring the room for at least a day
You will need to wait at least one hour before allowing light traffic through the room and a full day before moving your belongings back in and resuming normal use. To avoid scratching, take care not to drag or slide furniture; pick up each piece up and place them where they belong.